The Leaf and Limb Woodworks Story
After purchasing their first home in late 2017, Christy and Charles Thompson discovered that it needed more than a little work.

Not only was there a shortage of closets and other storage space, but the entire kitchen needed to be revamped into a more work-friendly area. Luckily, part of the property that they had purchased included a former barber shop which would serve quite nicely as a wood shop.
Christy and Charles began scouring Craigslist on a daily basis looking for used tools that they would need to complete the projects that they had in mind.
Once they had a few tools, a funny thing happened: They both discovered that they LOVED working with wood! With their table saw, a small band saw, and a router, they began making keepsake boxes. From there, they progressed to making bedside valets as gifts for family and friends.
They soon began to discuss turning wood on a lathe. Once again, it was Craigslist to the rescue. A vintage Craftsman lathe opened up a whole new world for them. Turning a few small bowls from solid wood whetted their appetite and soon they were on to more complicated projects. Pens, measuring spoons, segmented bowls and other things started to become a new obsession.
If you would like to see some of the things that they have created, please click here to view the gallery.